ChicagoTalks needs a new LOGO for our masthead. The old logo isn’t the right size and won’t scale for modern responsive design sites. The one on the site now is pretty lame. Enter today. Contest ends Feb. 28th. Prizes for the winner and runner-ups. Contact with questions.

Here are the details:
- “ChicagoTalks” is what the logo should say.
- We need an image that can be scaled to 970px width., but one that we can make a bit smaller if we need to.
- Design it so it is scaleable (a vector image)
- We need a version that is square for Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Post your image file and save it as “Still Working” on ChicagoTalks. Winner will be chose on Feb. 28th.
Winner gets is a free ad on ChicagoTalks to promote yourself, and a $25.00 gift card to the Apple Store or Columbia’s Bookstore. Two runner ups get free self-promotion ads on ChicagoTalks.

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