Wanderer magazine is a collaborative project produced by visual communication and reporting students in the Journalism Program of the Communication Department, Columbia College Chicago. Visual communication students edited, designed and laid out each story as his or her final course project, and reporting students researched and wrote the stories, providing photography for them. Every issue showcases different topics.
FALL 2023
This issue of Wanderer magazine is a collaborative project produced by Visual Communication and People, Power & Narrative: Latino Voices students, both taught by Associate Professor Elio Leturia. The courses are offered in the Communication program, and the Columbia Experience program respectively, at Columbia College Chicago. Visual Communication students edited, designed and laid out each story as their final course project, and People, Power & Narrative students reported and wrote the stories providing photography for them. This issue is all about the diversity of Chicago-based Latino/Latina/Latinx artists.
Click the cover of the magazine to read it in virtual magazine form, or read the web versions of the articles here.
This issue of Wanderer magazine is a collaborative project produced by Visual Communication and People, Power & Narrative: Latino Voices students, both taught by Associate Professor Elio Leturia. The courses are offered in the Communication program, and the Columbia Experience program respectively, at Columbia College Chicago. Visual Communication students edited, designed and laid out each story as their final course project, and People, Power & Narrative students reported and wrote the stories providing photography for them. This issue is all about Latino issues and the use of the word Latinx.
Click the cover of the magazine to read it in virtual magazine form, or read the web versions of the articles here.
This issue of Wanderer magazine is a collaborative project produced by Visual Communication and Travel Writing Peru students. Both courses are offered in the Journalism Program of the Communication Department, Columbia College Chicago. Prof. Elio Leturia’s Visual Communication students edited, designed and laid out each story as his or her final course project, and Prof. Elio Leturia’s Travel Writing Peru students reported and wrote the stories providing photography for them. This issue is the third magazine that publishes stories reported in Peru.
Click the cover of the magazine to read it in virtual magazine form, or read the web versions of the articles here.
This issue of Wanderer magazine is a collaborative project produced by Visual Communication and Fashion Journalism students. Both courses are offered in the Journalism Program of the Communication Department, Columbia College Chicago. Prof. Elio Leturia’s Visual Communication students edited, designed and laid out each story as his or her final course project, and Prof. Rosalind Cummings-Yeates’ Fashion Journalism students reported and wrote the stories providing photography for them. This issue is all about the current trends in fashion.
Click the cover of the magazine to read it in virtual magazine form, or read the web versions of the articles here.