From Paris, France to Kabul, Afghanastan, from Valpo to Kankakee and from Teach-ins to marches in the street, working people are going to be out and about the week of April 4th.
It was on April 4, 1968, that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, where he was marching with sanitation workers who wanted the right to bargain collectively and to join a union with AFSCME.
People of faith, civil and human rights activists, students and other progressive allies will host a range of community- and workplace-focused actions during the week.
via We Are One April 4.
There will be teach-ins at University of Chicago and Northeastern Illinois University. If you don’t understand why people who work for their wages are upset, why not attend a teach-in, and learn for yourself. Whether you agree or disagree, it never hurts to listen, interact, and learn more about issues that the “talking heads” on television often misconstrue or exaggerate.
If you participate, please share your story with us. We can showcase your photos, videos, and ideas. If you want to editorialize a bit, just put Op/Ed in your title line.
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