Geek is the new black, and your ideas for how data can be mashed up to make useful mobile apps for Chicagoans can bring you a monetary award. A hackathon brings together idea generating creative types with techies who can code the ideas into workable apps. Check out this one, and win big, for you and for the community, by putting your brain to work for the common good.
The Delta Institute, a Chicago-based nonprofit organization dedicated to leading the transformation to the green economy in the Great Lakes region, is sponsoring the first-ever “Green Opportunities (GO) Award.” The GO Award will give $2,000 to the app best designed to help users find, create, sustain or share green products, practices and programs in the City of Chicago.
Apps for Metro Chicago will have representativesat the Go Green Hack Salon discussing green ideas and sustainability concerns, keys to understanding and using the data, and possible technology solutions. There will be time for small group collaboration, brainstorming and app building will follow. Get a head start on your chance to win the GO Award and Innovative Illinois Award!
Apps for Metro Chicago Illinois represents one of the largest governmental collaborative open data initiatives to date. Multiple governmental agencies and regional planning organizations have collaborated to provide 200 plus data sets with more being added regularly! A4MC is endeavoring to foster relationships between civic organizations and apps developers in order to create apps that benefit the residents of Chicago.
In addition to the GO Award, Apps that use recently released State data such as Illinois Environmental Protection Agency data as well as Federal Environmental Protection Agency data are eligible to submit their App for the Innovative Illinois Award for a chance to win even more prize money.
Space is limited and based on a first come first serve basis.
Event Details:
Speakers: Kevin Dick, Delta, Director of Certifications
Dan Swick, Delta, Technical Associate
Plus other experts!
Where: Green Exchange – Greenhouse Loft
2545 W. Diversey Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647
When: Wednesday, November 9th

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