Carolina Posse, teacher in the Film and Video Department at Columbia College Chicago, is the curator of a Brazilian Film Series called Mostra. This Nov. 15-17, bring the third year of Mostra (meaning “show” in Portuguese.) There is an outstanding line-up of films with social themes showcasing Brazilian works.
The series is presented by the Illinois and Sao Paulo Chapters of Partners of the Americas, a diplomatic volunteer organization. In addition to Columbia College Chicago, other participating schools include DePaul, Roosevelt, University of Illinois Urbana, Northwestern, Northeastern, Loyola, and University of Chicago.
All screenings are FREE and open to the public. Screenings are scheduled at Film Row Cinema, 1104 S. Wabash, from Thursday November 15th through Saturday November 17th. Visiting film directors Sao Paulo and Rio will attend some of the screenings. There is a series of programs so visit to find the times and locations.
Finally, a special reception is scheduled on Friday the 16th at 6:00pm. Tickets are $25 to the public, but FREE to Columbia College Chicago Faculty if they RSVP at
TUESDAY (Nov 6)– De Paul University – NOITE DE ESTREIA (Opening Night)
Richard M. and Maggie C. Daley Building
College of Computing and Digital Media Auditorium
247 S. State St. (Lower Level)
PARKING: @ Inter Park, 17 E. Adams. $9 with validation card
5:30 PM – Reception
6:30 PM – Program and Introduction of Artistic Director, Cassio Amarante
7:00 PM – Screening of “XINGU”
WEDNESDAY (Nov 7) – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illini Hillel – 503 E. John St., Champaign, IL (
Phone: (217) 344-1328
5:30 pm – Screening of “XINGU”, Dir. Cao Hamburger
Screened with Animation “A Fabula da Corrupcao” (Fable of Corruption)
7:00 pm– Panel discussion with Artistic Director Cassio Amarante
8:00 pm– Reception
Program sponsored by the Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies
THURSDAY (Nov 8) – Brazil in Chicago school
2212 W. Sunnyside
6:00 PM – Screening of “PASSAPORTE HUNGARO” (A HUNGARIAN PASSPORT), Dir. Sandra Kogut. Screened with “Xeta”
FRIDAY (Nov 9) – DePaul University – Racial Paradigm Program
Richard M. and Maggie C. Daley Building
College of Computing and Digital Media Auditorium
247 S. State St. (Lower Level)
5:30 PM Screening of “SO QUANDO EU DANCO” (ONLY WHEN I DANCE), Dir. Beadie Finzl
Screened with Animation “Esau: O Contador de Historias” (Esau: The Story Teller)
Followed by panel discussion with:
– Dr. Horace Hall, DePaul University, author “ Mentoring Young Men of Color” and
Understanding Teenage Girls’
– Dr. Stephen Caliendo, author “Race Appeal”
– Marcelo Jarmendia, founder of Brazil in Chicago and Casa de Cultura Brasileira
– Dr. Mikhail Lyubansky, UIC, Psychology of Race and Ethnicity and UIUC, Theories of
Psychotherapy, and
– Visiting Brazilian Artistic Director (XINGU), Cassio Amarante.
SATURDAY (Nov 10) – Roosevelt University
425 S. Wabash, Room 612 (Parking $8 available w/school validation at ‘Park One’, 434 S. Wabash).
5:00 PM – Screening of “UMA NOITE EM 67” (A NIGHT IN 67), Dirs. Renato Terra & Ricardo Calil.
Screened with Animation “Tempestade” (The Tempest)
SUNDAY (Nov 11) – Roosevelt University
425 S. Wabash, Room 612 (Parking $8 available w/school validation at ‘Park One’, 434 S. Wabash).
4:00 PM – Screening of “OLGA”, Dir. Jaime Monjardim
Followed by discussion with writer/producer Rita Buzzar
*7:00 PM – Sponsors and Directors’ Dinner (*private event)
Roosevelt University, Room 418
MONDAY (Nov 12) – Northeastern Illinois University
Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building
5500 N. St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625
1:00 PM – Screening of “OLGA”, Dir. Jaime Monjardim
Screened with “Xeta”. Followed by discussion with writer/producer Rita Buzzar.
MONDAY (Nov 12) – Northwestern University
Harris Hall – 1881 Sheridan Rd., Evanston (Parking on NW campus is free after 5:00 PM)
6:00 PM – Screening of “BRODER” (BROTHER), Dir. Jeferson De in attendance.
Screened with animation “Escalada” (The Escalation). Followed by Q& A session with Director Jeferson De
TUESDAY (Nov 13) – Loyola University – Lake Shore Campus
Galvin Auditorium, Sullivan Center, 6339 N. Sheridan
4:30 PM – Screening of “PARALLEL 10” (PARALLEL 10), Dir. Silvio Da-Rin in attendance
Screened with animation “Caixa” (Box).
5:45 – 6:30 PM – Discussion with Director Silvio Da Rin facilitated by Charles Coleman, Program Director, Facets Multimedia
6:30 PM – Coffee break and snacks
7:00 PM – Screening of “VILLA LOBOS BY A SOPRANO”, Dir. Yves Goulart
Screened with Animation “A Menina da Chuva” (The Rain Girl).
Followed by Q & A session with narrator/singer Stela Brandao, Director Yves Goulart and producer Marcelo Nigri.
TUESDAY (Nov 13) -University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Studies, 501 E. John St, 126 (east entrance), Champaign
5:30 pm – Screening of “PARALELO 10” (PARALLEL 10)
Screened with Animation “Terra a Gastar” (Wasted Land).
WEDNESDAY (Nov 14) – University of Chicago
Social Sciences Research Bld., 1126 E. 59th Street (59th & University).
(Parking on 59th Street or paid garage on Ellis and 55th Street)
6:00 PM – Documentary Shorts Program:
“Rio de Mulheres”; “Entre Vaos”; “Aperreio”; “Braxilia”; De Catraia”.
Screened with Animation Flee and Fly in “City of Trouble”
Followed by Q & A session with Prof. Dain Borges
THURSDAY (Nov 15) – Columbia College
Film Row, Wabash & 11th, 8th Floor
3:30 PM – Shorts Fiction Program:
“A Casa das Horas”; “A Fabrica”; “A Casa Afogada”; “The Stuborn Mule and the Remote Cotrol”; “Ribeirinhos do Asfalto”. Screened with Animation “Barto”
6:00 PM – “PARALELO 10” (PARALLEL 10), followed by Q & A session with Dir. Silvio Da-Rin
Screened with Animation “Caixa” (Box)
8:00 PM – “SO QUANDO EU DANCO” (ONLY WHEN I DANCE), Dir. Beade Finzl
Screened with “Ivan”
FRIDAY (Nov 16) – Columbia College – NOITE DE OCASO (Closing Night)
Film Row, Wabash & 11th, 8th Floor
3:30 PM – Documentary Shorts Program:
“Rio de Mulheres”; “Entre Vaos”; “Aperreio”; “Braxilia”; “De Catraia”.
Screened with animation “Flee and Fly in “City of Trouble”
6:00 PM – NOITE DE OCASO (Sunset Night Closing Reception)
Remarks by: “The Brazilian Cinema”, Milos Stehlik, Dir. Facets Multimedia
7:30 PM – Screening of “BRODER”, (BROTHER), Q & A session with Dir. Jeferson De.
Screened with animation “Escalada”
Saturday (Nov 17) – Columbia College
Film Row, Wabash & 11th, 8th Floor
3:30 PM – Screening of “ERA UMA VEZ” (ONCE UPON A TIME IN RIO), Dir. Breno Silveira
Screened with animation “Esau: O Contador de Historias” (Esau: The Story Teller)
6:00 PM – Screening of “CABRA-CEGA” (THE BLIND GAME), Dir. Toni Venturi
Screened with animation “

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