Chicago Premiere TONIGHT (August 10th)

The City of Chicago will host a Carbon Nation Celebration to celebrate the power of every-day climate change solutions for families, businesses and citizens. The event will include: Performances by comedian Hal Sparks and the Happiness Club. Family activities and exhibits from the Museum of Science and industry. Celebrity appearances on the green carpet by the star of SHREK THE MUSICAL from Broadway Chicago. Inspirational speeches from the Chicago Department of Environment and director of Carbon Nation and the world premiere and free screening of Peter Byck’s Carbon Nation film.
Live entertainment starts at 7:00 p.m. and the movie at 8:15 p.m. in the Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park.
Patricia Jones Blessman, is an associate producer of the film, and Karen Weigert, Senior Vice President of ShoreBank, is one of the film’s producers.
Tuesday, August 10 at 8:15m for Carbon Nation. Learn and be entertained and challenged together!!
Other events include:
Mayor Daley–invited
Bill Kurtis, acclaimed documentary host and producer
Hal Sparks, actor and comedian
Suzanne Malec-McKenna, commissioner, Chicago Department of Environment
Peter Byck, director and producer of Carbon Nation
Star of Broadway in Chicago’s SHREK THE MUSICAL
The Happiness Club
Attendees also include those featured in the film:
- Van Jones – Founder “Green For All” – Green Jobs Activist
- Bernie Karl – “Crazy Alaskan” Geothermal Pioneer
- Cliff Etheredge – West Texas Cotton Farmer turned Wind Farm Organizer
- David Etheredge – Son of Cliff and Partner in Wind Farm
- Dan Nolan – US Army Col. Retired
- Art Rosenfeld – Energy Efficiency Pioneer and Retired Commissioner of the California Energy Commission
Michael Dunham – from JACO – “Fridge Guy”
- Sean Casten – Recycled Energy Development
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