- Psyche-Flower03237Web
- Screened in-at MAAF
beartnow has added a photo to the pool:
View from inside the WAX show, at Tracy K’s. Logan Square, Dos Amigos
- balanced-right-BW-web
beartnow has added a photo to the pool:
Visitor with cast as seen at the PSYCHE SHOW at the MAAF, Logan Square, Chicago.
- Anka-the Artist- at Psyche
beartnow has added a photo to the pool:
Artist Anka with her art photography at the Psyche Show, curated by Lucy Mueller
this image shown with the permission of the subject.
photo©2010 Nancy Bechtol - case in sky
- red and blue
- cranes
- yellow one
- Where in the loop?
- Where in the loop?
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