Every day 1,100 people in the country are deported and families are ripped apart.

Progress Illinois’ Ellyn Fortino writes about how workers and immigrant rights advocates are getting ready for May Day 2013
Progress Illinois chatted with SEIU Local 1 member Lourdes Gonzalez who plans to march today; she echoed Arreola’s argument:
Today’s rally begins at 2 p.m. at Union Park near Ashland Avenue and Lake Street. At 3 p.m. people will start marching to the Haymarket Memorial on Randolph and DesPlaines streets for a 3:30 p.m. rally. The crowd will then head to Federal Plaza for a final rally at 4 p.m.
The Chicago Federation of Labor and the Illinois Labor History Society will also dedicate a new plaque at the Haymarket Memorial, which commemorates the Haymarket Tragedy of 1886 during the peak of the American labor movement.
Check back with Progress Illinois for more coverage on today’s May Day events.
*The SEIU Illinois Council sponsors this website.
via Workers, Immigrant Rights Advocates Prepare For May Day Rally In Chicago (VIDEO) | Progress Illinois.

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