After nearly a decade of practice, community development practitioners from across the U.S. will come to Chicago to share lessons learned and plot the course of future activity at “Getting It Done II.” Sponsored by The Institute for Comprehensive Community Development (ICCD), the nation’s first think tank devoted to the study of sustainable community based urban development, the 600 attendees from more than 60 communities across the nation, will weigh the value of their varied strategies, assess the current economic and political climate that forms the context for their work and plan their collective future.
While the symposium will feature the projected contours of the future from nationally renowned commentators on urban life including HUD Assistant Secretary Erika Poethig, syndicated columnist Clarence Page and MacArthur Foundation Vice President Julia Stasch, the majority of the conference will be devoted to ‘notes from the field.’
The assembly will begin March 5th; 11:30 a.m. at which time there will be a ‘roll call’ presenting the delegations from each nationwide site and a keynote address by Erika Poethig. The afternoon will be devoted to workshops and a plenary session led by Julia Stasch on connecting neighborhoods to regional economies. Stasch will be joined by Alan Berube, Brookings Institution; India Pierce Lee, Cleveland Foundation; Raul Raymundo, Chicago’s Resurrection Project. It is free to register, though there is a charge for the luncheon.
About the ICCD: Established in April 2010 to advance the field of comprehensive community development and the positive impact it has in urban and rural communities across the country, ICCD has drawn upon the nation’s most extensive network of comprehensive community development practitioners to lift up what is working to promote best practices.

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