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Get in the Act, Speak Out with Classroom Story Slam

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On public radio, it is the Moth Hour. Spoken word stories are going viral.  Catalyst, which has been focusing on urban education especially in Chicago since 1990, is getting in the act. They are sponsoring a series of events for the “Education: Then, Now, Next. Celebrating 25 years of Catalyst Chicago.”

Being from Chicago, birthplace of the poetry slam, they’ve come up with the idea of the  Classroom Story Slam. It features a series of 5-minute stories on the theme of Opportunity, performed on stage by teachers and other educators. If you have something to say, you can contact them and pitch your story. Send your contact info by February 13, 2015 to with slam in the subject line.

There is a charge for the event which includes a drink, light refreshments, and DJ Itzi Nallah’s tunes.

DJ Itzi Nallah is host along with Manley High School teacher and spoken word performer Kinshasa Ward as MC.

  • Thursday, February 26
  • 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Red Kiva, 1108 W. Randolph

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