What is Your Vision for Peace? Join a group of local and international leaders and your neighbors at the Imagining Peace
Conference on April 26th through Sunday, April 28th.
Imagining Peace will be an experiential event that aims for an integrated response to violence—a response that includes broader socio-political influences on our homes, schools, neighborhoods, and individual states of mind. A truly complex social problem requires a truly complex response that includes the whole range of our human experience.
Buddhist Spiritual leader, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, meditation teachers Adam Lobel and Fleet Maull, the Honorable Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, the Honorable Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Board President, and others will discuss what peace means to us as individuals and within society.
The event features panels where local youth who have been impacted by violence, and community and civic leaders who are working on the challenge of reducing violence.
Also included will be mindfulness practice, small group discussions, student film screenings, and skits by the Goodman Theatre Company.
Participants will have the opportunity to express their own voice and to hear from others. The weekend will conclude with people collaborating to offer recommendations that can contribute to the work of preventing violence in our communities.Imagining Peace Conference, Friday, April 26th through Sunday, April 28th, 2013 Chicago, Illinois.
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