Fashion went to the dogs, or at least benefitted dogs and pets in general at this show. The choruses of barking and cooing from attendees, a few of them dogs — or should I say models — erupting at Tuesday’s Next Fashion Chicago show wasn’t the only thing that added a touch of crudeness to the elegant Germania Place ballroom. The furry models couldn’t help but steal the attention, in a show where proceeds benefit PAWS Chicago. They also didn’t have much to steal.
The attendees at Next Chicago show may have found themselves plagued by a passing bout of depression, temporary blindness, or both. The consistency of metallics under the lights created walking bright spots where the models should have been. There was also a slew of dark noir tones that poorly represented the colorful culture of Chicago.

This was particularly unfortunate for lead designer Chad Leon of Cleon’s Clothing Co., who seemed to have missed the memo about showcasing his Spring 2013 collection. Indeed, Leon may have turned the runway into a mock International Mr. Leather conference with an overbearing presence of studded, black leather jackets and risque one-pieces.

Designer Sahar Dada followed suit with a vague line of black. There was little distinction between the fall and spring line, if it weren’t for the ancient Greek-esque cardigans and dresses.
These bare shoulder and arm, cinched waist pieces were a magnificent representation of a present line of himations and peplos’ (slim fit, elegant togas) and other ancient Greek women’s garments. The gold and silver jewel embroidery also seemed to echo the early intricate art of women togas, especially along the shoulder fastens and collar seams.
As the onslaught of neutrals, metallics and intense ruffles continued, the mood was finally interrupted by a video the PAWS guest who warmed hearts and got folks digging in their pockets for the cause. Soon after, the runway made way for the stylish pups.
Whether it was a Dachshund sashaying with a model in tow, or a Bichon being escorted in the arms of another, at least PAWS was able to shed some light Next Fashion Chicago’s dark show.

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