Cafe Society and The Public Square put on some programs that challenge our assumptions and address issues that make civil society consider itself with an honest eye. This upcoming event asks us to consider racial profiling in the world of retail. Whatever you think, you won’t be bored if you make it to this session. The event is free and open to the public. [pullquote]
In April, Trayon Christian was arrested outside Barneys, a luxury department store in New York City, after purchasing a $350 belt. Christian was asked “how a young black man such as himself could afford to purchase an expensive belt.”
Why is this problematic? How prevalent is retail discrimination? What kind of response do you think should be taken by the department store? Where did you learn about this incident and what kind of coverage did it get in the media?
- New York probing Macy’s, Barneys ‘shop-and-frisk’ claims
- Racial profiling claims at Barneys, Macy’s: N.Y. attorney general probing
- Barneys New York Complaints Increasing, Lawyer Says
- Barneys case stirs talks on ‘Shopping While Black’
- Blacks and Blues, Barneys and The New Slaves
- ‘Shopping While Black’ is still an issue- at Barneys and elsewhere
– See more at:

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