Whether you think fashion is wonderful or a waste of time, this show has an interesting angle. Making fashion out of donated garments and fabric, exploring how fashion production can eliminate waste, and then donating the contents of the show to USAgain, an enterprise that seeks to reduce waste, reuse, and recyle via used clothing exchanges.

ZERØ Waste: Fashion Re-Patterned exhibition is set to open on March 3, 2011 in the A + D Gallery, 619 S. Wabash Ave at Columbia College Chicago. The exhibition will include a giant installation of sorted, folded and color coded second-hand garments in the front window of the gallery by artist Derick Melander. The show attempts to find solutions for dealing with fashion’s waste, as well as challenge fashion systems through their conceptual framework.
The exhibition highlights sustainable design practices and fashion products that consider the use and reduction/elimination of pre- and post-consumer waste as part of the design process and production of garments.
The show is curated by Arti Sandhu, Assistant Professor of Fashion Studies at Columbia College Chicago.
Contributing designers and artists include Nick Cave, Derick Melander, Padmaja Krishnan, Maison Martin Margiela, Refinity + Berber Soepboer, Holly McQuillan and Timo Rissanen.
In order to create this installation in the gallery, the artist needs donated used clothes, shoes and household textiles that ready to be re-worn and reused. Household textiles include tablecloths, towels, beddings, blankets, bedspreads. They can’t accept mattresses, furniture, appliances, carpet, household items, toys or trash.
Drop off your donation items at the USAgain clothing bin – situated in the front foyer of the 623 S. Wabash building between now and February 28. Please make sure that clothes, shoes and textiles are clean and dry and dropped off in tied plastic bags.
When the exhibition ends, all the donated clothing and textiles are sent onward to USAgain’s channels to be recycled and reused. USAgain is a green for-profit enterprise that collects used clothes and resells them worldwide to conserve precious natural resources and greenhouse gases.
Here’s when you can visit the exhibition and see how these artists look to combine style and good sense and be green.
WHEN: March 3 – April 16
Gallery Hours: 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday – Saturday, 11a.m. – 8 p.m. on Thursday
Opening Reception: 5-8 p.m., March 3
WHERE: Columbia College’s Averill and Bernard Leviton A + D Gallery, 619 S. Wabash Ave.
Ph USA: (+1) 312.369.7607, E: asandhu@colum.edu
Correction: We had stated the USAgain was a non-profit and it is in fact a for profit enterprise.
Related articles
- Recycle Old Clothing and Textiles with USAgain (mindfulmomma.typepad.com)

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