Today was supposed to be the deadline for public comments to the FCC about the future of the internet in terms of “net neutrality” issues. However, the volume of comments from the public “broke” the FCC site, and they have extended the comment time. Contact them today, if you haven’t already done so. You can find out how below.
[pullquote]This story was updated on July 15th[/pullquote]

Consumerist has got a whole guide up about the proposed net neutrality rule and how to leave comments with the FCC, but really, it’s easy to do.
There are three questions the FCC is asking the public to answer:
- Should there be an outright ban on fast lanes?
- Should broadband access be classified as a Title II common carrier?
- Should the new Open Internet provisions also cover wireless (mobile) broadband?
You can leave a comment answering those questions in two ways: either click here to go directly to the form or send an e-mail to the FCC’s dedicated inbox, The proceeding number is Proceeding #14-28, Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet.
Remember: be civil and be clear. There might be over half a million comments filed in the docket so far, but a large number of them make very little sense. So consider how you can make your comment helpful. It should cover two areas:
- Why is it net neutrality important to you? In what specific way would restoring or upending it help or hurt?
- What, specifically, would you like the FCC to do about it?
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