Many of our readers are reporters or people who are engaged in work in their community. The Society for Professional Journalists and Community Media Workshop announced an upcoming opportunity to get connected to sources and experts in the thorny but important area of youth violence in Chicago.
Do we need a new approach to the problems and questions about youth violence in our City? The Community Media Workshop’s youth violence project is offering reporters, community groups, activists and specialists an opportunity to meet each other and share contacts and information.
Calling it “speed interviewing,” the idea is to have a quick but very productive chance to get a quick overview of progress made by Chicago’s news media and what remains to do. This is a great way to “expand your contacts, to hear from folks close to the issue, to think about new ways to tell this terribly important story and to begin to look at solutions as well as problems.”
The speed interviewing event is scheduled for Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 10 a.m. to Noon at 618 S. Michigan, Stage Two, at Columbia College.
WHERE: Stage Two, Columbia College Chicago
618 S. Michigan, Chicago, IL 60605
WHEN: January 29, 10 am to 12 noon
For more information, contact Stephen Franklin ( or call 312 369 7782
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