CREATE is a multi-billion dollar and multi-decade industrial thrust of over 70 interdependent projects set to dramatically expand Illinois railroad capacity impacting Chicago’s South Side.
CREATE is a partnership between U.S. DOT, the state of Illinois, city of Chicago, Metra, Amtrak, and the nation’s freight railroads. It will help direct how billions of dollars are spent on critically needed improvements to increase the efficiency of the region’s passenger and freight rail infrastructure and enhance the quality of life for Chicago-area residents.
The controversial Englewood Flyover bid is only one of these 70 projects, and Metra is only one of a dozen railroads in the CREATE consortium. Each of these dozen railroad companies has scores of vendors, including Fortune 500’s, such as Caterpillar.
Building on the work of dozens of South Side community groups active on the issue of railroad expansion in the area since 2011, this CREATE overview is your first chance to learn key project facts from a spectrum of speakers in multiple fields relevant to neighbor health and wealth, construction impacts and contracts, home value variables, health risks and protections, jobs and careers.
Mayor Emanuel’s Economic Development Plan makes “transportation-distribution-logistics” a critical growth industry for Chicago, including high-speed, commuter, and freight rail, with related intermodal and cargo warehousing. Pollution, property loss, and construction congestion are key risks.
How can communities and the people living in them, get in on the benefits, and have a say in any potential negative side effects of massive public and private projects?
Engage with leaders knowledgeable about the health and wealth impacts of the CREATE Railroad project – environmental, economic, educational. Learn about legislation, community-based solutions, local and national players, and why all industry eyes are on Chicago from learning about the all-important 2012-13 Environmental Impact Study and the National Environmental Policy Act,which include powerful checks and balances from the community. Meet members of the CREATE Community Advisory Group appointed to engage with you.
Attend “Creating South Side Economic and Environmental Justice”
- Thursday, July 12th
- Logan Center for the Arts
- University of Chicago
- 915 E. 60th St.
The South Side railroad expansion will have economic and community impact over decades. Get involved.
- 5:30 Free Wine & Cheese Reception
- 5:45 Ol’ Time Mississippi Fish Fry Players
- 6:15 Top Things To Know-Do-Require
- 7:45 Closing Performance Prayer
Hear experts address these issues:
- Environmental Health
- Contracts with Railroads
- Jobs in Transportation
- Legislators & Your Home Values
R.S.V.P to Naomi Davis at (773) 599-9180 and for other information on CREATE-related laws/regulations; case histories/research; economic development plans/public involvement process; transportation /infrastructure; and Woodlawn/Washington Park Public Finance Coalition, contact BIG: Blacks in Green: or at 773-678-9541.
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